Are you looking for a pet?

Are you looking for a pet?


 Related to the guinea pig, this native South American is the largest rodent in the world. Fully grown, the capybara is on average 1.2 mts long and usually weighs more than 45 kgs. It's rare to find these obscure animals as pets.
Capybaras need a lot of attention, plenty of room to roam and some type of swimming pool. They can be territorial and could bite with their large teeth. Capybaras aren´t recommended for families with young children, because the rodents aren't nearly as tolerant as some other domestic pets, like dogs.

 Fennec fox


Fennec foxes dwell in the sandy Sahara and elsewhere in North Africa. Their nocturnal habits help them deal with the searing heat of the desert environment, and some physical adaptations help as well.

Their distinctive, bat-like ears radiate body heat and help keep the foxes cool. They also have long, thick hair that insulates them during cold nights and protects them from hot sun during the day. Even the fox's feet are hairy, which helps them perform like snowshoes and protects them from extremely hot sand. The fox's feet are also effective shovels for frequent digging, as they live in underground dens.


They are quiet, active, entertaining, and low maintenance. They are nocturnal, making them a good pet for someone who has a 9 to 5 job. These solitary animals prefer to be housed alone and may fight if kept with other hedgehogs. And, sorry, they don't really crave human affection, so cuddling isn't their strong point. Even still, gentle and frequent handling seems to tame these creatures and many breeders sell pets that have already been "hand tamed."
Even a tame African pygmy hedgehog needs to get used to you. So, at first, this discerning pet may curl into a spiky ball when you try to pick it up. Be patient. Just cradle this ball in your hand, allowing your hedgehog to unroll itself and start exploring in its own time. When your hedgehog realizes you mean no harm, it will seem more active and its spines will lay flat.
 Grey parrot

Besides being one of the most popular pet bird species, African Grey Parrots are also one of the most intelligent.
They learn an incredible amount of human words, they can learn to use them in context to communicate with their owners. It has been said that these impressive birds have the mental and emotional capacities of a 5-year-old human child. 

Grey Parrots form very strong bonds with their owners and can be quite emotionally needy. Due to this trait, they do best with owners who can devote ample time to handling and socializing with them on a daily basis. In addition, African Grey parrots need a lot of exercise in order to keep their strong muscles toned and maintain an adequate physical condition. This means that they must be able to spend several hours per day outside of their cages, playing in supervised, "parrot proof" areas.


What do you think about having exotic animals as pets? Do you agree or disagree?


  1. 1 having exotic animals is very good

    2 i agree with having exotic animals

    harold andres losada collazos

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    1. You have exotic animals in the house requires a great and special care because they are not in their habitat and can suffer a lot. That is why it is better not to lock them up and leave them in the place where they belong.

  3. 1 Have exotic animals is very good because we can know how they live in different parts of the world

    2 I don't agree with having exotic animals

    Dana Valentina
    Paramo Trujillo
    grado 6a

  4. I think that we shouldn"t have exotic animals as pets because they need to be in their nature, and we almost all the time don"t have enough money to give them what they need. But, even if we can maintain them, the best option that we can choose is leave them in their original home.
    so, in a few words, I desagree with having exotic animal as pets, we can't obligate them to stay with us, why are people so selfish? because at the same time, people are damaging the world, where animals in general live, not only exotic animals, we need to start thinking about it and how to change that. so, teacher, what do you think about it?


  5. I think we should not remove exotic animals from from their natural habitat because many of these animals are in danger if extinction wich increases the chances losing them ,they also need a lot of care and attention.
    I do not agree with having exotic animals as a Pet🐇🐗🐹🐧🐼🐍🐸🐯🐻🐵🐙🐳🐫🐬 They are not pets ,🐕🐶🐩🐈🐱These are pets
    Thanks for watching

  6. I disagree whit having exotic animals ,because they illegally sell them
    out of their jungle environment and leave them in danger of extinction,
    besides thousands of animals die being trafficked.
    wild animals are not pets ,however much we enjoy seeing exotic spices
    we have to respect their natural conditions and accept that raising them in a different environment is very bad on our part as human beings


    GRADE 6A

  7. I found the information about exotic animals very interesting because I could learn new things about these animals. The animals that most caught my attention were the Gray parrot and Hedgehog because they are very exotic animals and different from others, for example the Gray Parrot is a very intelligent animal, affectionate and affectionate to the people of which these animals need great daily company from their owners, to be able to develop their speech skills and to accuse people. IT WOULD BE VERY INTERESTING TO KNOW THIS ANIMAL IN PERSON, and the hedgehog is an animal that at first sight is too tender but in real life it is very individualistic and can be aggressive so it is not recommended for families with children, this animal especially bristles very easily.

    I got to know a lot of animals.


  8. 1 you can not because they are animals that is way of extinction

    2 i disagree

  9. what i think of having exotic animals as pers is like cool like fennec fox because it is very nice to have an animal like one of these


  10. ANA SOFIA MENDEZ AGUAS18 de marzo de 2019, 2:40 p.m.

    1. Yo pienso que no que tener los animales exóticos como mascotas son un gran cargo porque requieren de mucho cuidado
    2. no estoy de acuerdo en tener un animal exótico como mascota porque ellos requieren de su habitad para crecer y pues ellos requieren de mucho cuidado y seria un peligro porque pudiera llagar a extinguirse ,
    Ana Sofia Mendez Aguas 6b

  11. ANA SOFIA MENDEZ AGUAS18 de marzo de 2019, 3:09 p.m.

    1, I think that not having exotic animals as pet is a big charge because they require a lot of care ,
    2. I do not agree to have an exotic animals as a pet because they require their habitat to grow and because they require a lot of care and it would be a danger because it could become extinct .
    Ana Sofia Mendez Aguas 6b

  12. Isabella Diaz Perdomo 6b

    I think that these texts about exotic animals is very nice because we can learn many things about them: they explain to us that we do not have to have them as a pet that is a very big prevention.

  13. I think it is not very common to have an exotic animal but i do
    agree to have it a long as they are fed and treated properly



  14. Pues yo creo que lo mas conveniente y necesario es no tenerlos como mascotas exóticas ya que por eso se extinguen, y ademas no son para estarlos llevando como una mascota exuberante.

    En cuanto a estar de acuerdo o no estarlo, yo no estoy de acuerdo ya que estas mascotas no son para tenerlas en casa y ademas son animales silvestres y no se deben domesticar
    Maria Camila Rojas Gallego 6B


  15. I agree that having an exotic animal would bring many problems

  16. trey are bad because a lot of facts are in the way of estincion

    laura calina figueroa muñoz

  17. I do not want to have an exotic animal I prefer a domestic one

  18. Salome Contreras Aldana Grado 6A18 de marzo de 2019, 5:01 p.m.

    Rta: Estoy en desacuerdo de tener animales exóticos, porque si tuviéramos un animal exótico sería muy difícil tener que estar pendiente de ella y al mismo tiempo llevar tu vida con normalidad, por que deberíamos saber todo sobre ellos, que comen, cuál es su habitad y si donde vivimos es un buen habitad para ellos, si son peligrosos para nosotros, en fin, son muchas responsabilidades que se deben asumir. Si para algunos es un gran esfuerzo recoger los zapatos, tender la cama y tener organizado el cuarto, será imposible que asuma la responsabilidad de cuidar y mantener en óptimas condiciones un animal exótico. Y para ser honestos y acordes con la situación que vivimos no debemos ni pensar en tener animales exóticos en nuestros hogares, porque ellos de por si deben estar en lugares alejados del ser humano. Debemos tomar conciencia y pensar que nuestras acciones provocaran una consecuencia en el futuro, por ejemplo, que se extingan los animales exóticos.
    Att: Salome Contreras Aldana
    Grado: 6a

  19. ANSWERS:

    1. I think having an exotic pet animal is very complicated and delicate so they need a lot of care and attention from the owner, they also need different spaces to move and exercise.
    for the above I think that having an exotic pet for a normal person would be very complicated both in the part of the space and both in the time part and the dedication.

    2. if I agree that a person has an exotic pet, but must have the time, the care, the love, the dedication and the necessary space, so that the pet does not suffer any need,
    But if the person does not meet any of the needs, it is better to leave that exotic animal free.


  20. I think that exotic pets are a luxury of some people and I do not agree with people who have this type of pet because many of these species are in danger of estincion and this proboca that estinjan even faster and that is not right .

    Attentively: Mariana Vargas of 6A.

  21. ALEJANDRA TRUJILLO FUENTES18 de marzo de 2019, 5:47 p.m.

    Yo creo que tener mascotas exoticas tiene sus ventajas y sus desventajas por que las personas que venden todos estos animales la mayoria los vende ilegalmente y tambien por que aquelos estan en peligro de acavarse .

    Y sus ventajas son que las personas las cuidad y las dejan en un lugar mejor , en un sano ambientes , en su abitad ...bueno al fin y al cabo las personas deciden como tratar a sus mascotas , ya sean exoticas o no , y ese es mi punto de vista ...


    Alejandra trujillo fuentes 6a

  22. I disagree about having exotic animals because they need the fauna and flora and we should not domesticate it


  23. Karen Giseth Charry 6°A

    1. I think it's okay,as longitud usted they can give your their respective care.

    2. I agree

  24. Good evening professor Nicolas, i think it's a wonderful and very fun idea , as well as knowledge , because with these animals we could know and learn a lot about them.

    I agree to have exotic animals as pets .

    Thank you very much LUCIANA ROJAS PINO 6A.

  25. the pets are tender so they exotic sara ximena aljure tovar

  26. 1-Well it seems to me Good and bad Well since we experience having an exotic pet in a domestic pet like most people have for example cats and dogs since they have a specific food that is already made for them and bad why the animals We have to have a very specific meal and we do not know what to start and only they know what they can eat and what they do not and if we have an exotic animal as pets we must do many things to take care of it since it is not in its habitat for example some can eat insects others not and I imagine that no one is going to have insects in their house because it would be a very rare person instead with pets if you can have food because you already have a special

    2-I do not support it or support it, I support it because it is a unique experience since one is not used to having exotic animals but there is also bad experience since one as I said before is not used then he does not know how to take care of feeding him and so on and also the exotic animals have a special food for them and we can not get it since it is very difficult so I do not agree or disagree

  27. I think it's good and bad to be with exotic animals because on the one hand we can experiment and know something about them but our health may be at risk

  28. What do you think about having exotic animals as pets?
    Answer: I think it would be very funny
    Do you agree or disagree?
    Answer: I agree, because animals are the best friends of man, and provides a company without any interest.

  29. It is true the leper animals they have to de free in their natural environment do not have a pet dut they ara pretty beautiful

  30. If it seems good to me as long as they have their care and not, not because they should be in their habitat, their real place because they could die in that place with us because we do not know about them.




  32. i do not agree with having exotic animals, because they must be free in their territories.


  33. Marianna Cubillos Polania19 de marzo de 2019, 5:13 p.m.

    No estoy de acuerdo porque los animales son silvestres y ellos ya están acostumbrados a su habitad natural entonces si lo sacamos de su habitad natural se van a sentir mal además ellos son de la naturaleza y si los llevamos a casa de pronto se nos muere de pena moral.

    Marianna Cubillos Polania.^3^ ^o^ �� ����
    6 B

  34. i do not agree with having exotic animals, because they must be free in their territories.
    Noemi Narvaez Olaya
    Profesor esta es mi segundo opinion

  35. Marianna Cubillos Polania19 de marzo de 2019, 6:49 p.m.

    I do not agree because the animals are wild and they are already accustomed to their natural habitat then they are taken out of their natural habitat they are going to feel bad besides they are from nature and we take them home soon we are dying of moral pain .

    Marianna Cubillos Polania. ^ 3 ^ ^ o ^
    6 B

  36. Laura Sofia Hernandez Ruiz 6B19 de marzo de 2019, 8:07 p.m.

    1. yo no tendría un animal exótico porque seria una gran carga y podría ser peligroso
    2.estoy en desacuerdo porque siento que ellos deberían ser libres ,no estar en jaulas y con su comunidad

  37. I think that have exotics animals as pets is very dangerous for humans and their health , also many exotics animals die prematurely and from malnutrition . I am disagree because i believe that the best thing is when this types of animals is in their naturals hábitats for what they don t go extinct . .
    Karen Dayana Horta Vargas . 6B

  38. Karol Tatiana Rojas Cachaya19 de marzo de 2019, 9:05 p.m.

    1. I think that is wrong tame animals exotic because they must live freely in its hábitat natural for breed with their same types of animals and not self to go to extinguish.
    2. I am in disagree because they not must to be pets for the humans already that they can start to feel sadness and loneliness by not to be in its hábitat natural and to can live freely.

    Karol Tatiana Rojas Cachaya. 6B.

  39. LAURA SOFIA VARGAS MENDEZ19 de marzo de 2019, 9:18 p.m.


    1 un animal tiene que estar con su propia especie en su habitat, pues los animales exóticos son para admirar su belleza, pues muchos de ellos estan envia de extinsion

    2 estoy en desacuerdo porque una mascota es prisionera y los animales deben ser libres


  40. 1-Well I think the most convenient and necessary is not to have them as exotic pets and to be extinguished, and also not to be like an exuberant pet.

    2-As to agree or I will not be, I will not agree as these pets are not to have them at home and they are also wild animals and should not be domesticated

    María Camila Rojas Gallego 6B

  41. 1.. I think that you don't have exotic animals as pets are a big burden because they require a lot of care

    2. I do not agree to have an exotic animal as a pet because they require their habitat to grow and therefore require great care and would be a danger because it could become extinct

    1. Valery Segura from 6B

    2. 1 I believe that exotic animals are unique in each species, some are illegally marketed, so you have to leave them in their habitat, to know and admire them.

      2 I do not aqrre,because they are free in their habitat and if they hunt they can die or be dangerous


  42. I think it's good to live with these exotic animals and if I look like I was born
    santiago aldana diaz 6b°

  43. i think it"s good to live with these exotic animals and if i look like i was born

    santiago aldana diaz 6b°

  44. LAURA VALENTINA FAJARDO:6B20 de marzo de 2019, 7:10 p.m.

    disagree because they must be in their habitat , even if they have thought of having one

  45. 1. I think it's wrong because these animals must be in their natural habitat and they can not get used to living in a locked house, besides they would not adapt to our way of life like food, space, etc.
    2. I disagree, because these animals, as the word says, are "exotic" and not "domestic" and they should not adapt to a habit that we force them to adapt.

  46. clara isabella cuellar 6b20 de marzo de 2019, 8:07 p.m.

    1. I would not tremble an exotic animal because it requires a lot of care.

    2. I am in disagreement, since I think it must be very dangerous and some of its species could be in extinction guide.

  47. I do not agree, the exotic animals must live in their natural habitat, the domestic pets are dogs, cats, birds, fish and hamsters accustomed to being with man.

    Exotic animals are not used to living in houses and can be aggressive due to their natural instinct, they live in jungles, deserts or mountains in open environments, they eat grass or eat live animals, they not eat house food or processed foods


  48. i'm to disagreement because it's bad for the life the animal and they need live in his habitad or they can sick in the other place

    julio cesar leon solano 6B


  49. I disagree, because exotic animals must remain in their natural habitat and having them enclosed can harm them, they must develop freely so that they do not become extinct.


  50. Sarah Fernanda Rubiano Salazar - Grado 6 B20 de marzo de 2019, 10:27 p.m.

    No estoy de acuerdo en tener animales exóticos como mascotas porque ellos requieren un hábitat especial en donde puedan desarrollar su modo de vida, el cual el ser humano no se lo puede brindar fácilmente; por lo que la especie corre el riesgo de quedar en extinción.

  51. SERGIO ANDRES CERQUERA MORA - GRADO 6B21 de marzo de 2019, 5:28 a.m.

    I do not agree because having an animal of these characteristics is a danger because they are very traisioneros and ami I like to play with my pets

    Sergio Cerquera Mora 6B

  52. 1 i would not have it since they are in danger of extenction

    2 i do not agree

    Att: Sara sofia conde arias 6a

  53. Luna Sandoval 6b
    It makes me bad because these exotic animals should not have them as pets because they require a specific habitat and to develop their way of living and acting if the human being has it as a pet runs the risk of diminishing their species since they can not live alone they have to live in a pack and we only want one because it does not seem like anything!!!

    1. translator helps but you should keep up on writing your words in English

  54. Luciana Piza Perdomo

    -I find it a bit dangerous or in the same positive way I agree with that because I find it funny because you will not have a common pet like a dog or a cat but a turtle or a baby tiger or exotic animals.


    1 an animal has to be with its own species in its habitat, because the exotic animals are to admire its beauty, as many of them are sending extinction

    2 I disagree because a pet is a prisoner and animals must be free


  56. 1. I think that having exotic animals as pets is going against the principles of species conservation, because this involves a lot of attention, special care and a lot of attention, because similar environments where they live require a lot of care and attention.

    2. To have pets of exotic species, is to attempt against their habitat and cause irreparable damage to these species, because for an animal to call exotic or any other species to develop, it needs the special conditions offered by the environment where it has evolved for a long time so that from one momemnto to another we take it out and condition it to a cruel and different environment where he has developed with his family, this is the case of the animals that take them out and take them to live in a circus. They are animals that are very likely affected in their daily lives and easily these species can live in danger of extinction.


    1. Translator helps, but it doesn´t replace a beautiful piece of brain

  57. 1. I think that having exotic animals as pets is going against the principles of species conservation, because this involves a lot of attention, special care and a lot of attention, because similar environments where they live require a lot of care and attention.

    2. To have pets of exotic species, is to attempt against their habitat and cause irreparable damage to these species, because for an animal to call exotic or any other species to develop, it needs the special conditions offered by the environment where it has evolved for a long time so that from one momemnto to another we take it out and condition it to a cruel and different environment where he has developed with his family, this is the case of the animals that take them out and take them to live in a circus. They are animals that are very likely affected in their daily lives and easily these species can live in danger of extinction.


  58. I find it very Nice to have exotic animals a pets but they stay
    To free nature

    Danielarodridanielarodriguesrivera 6a


  59. I think there are people very envious because they only think of them alone now the question is the following but if God believe me and create creation because I disrespect him?. " Sorry for the redundancy "but it is true because we do not respect thank you very much for your attention. ATT: Maria Jose Lopez Fierro 6b

  60. I do not agree because the exotic animals have to be in their habit and because it is a lot of responsability to take care of it


  61. 1. Los animales exóticos son de muy bonitos, pero requieren de mucho cuidado. Además requieren de mucho tiempo en acostumbrarsen a las personas.
    2. No estoy de acuerdo de que los animales exóticos sean sacados de sus lugares y los cojan como mascotas.

    1. 1. Exotic animals are very beautiful, but they require a lot of care. In addition, it takes a lot of time to get used to people.
      2. I do not agree that exotic animals are removed from their places and become pets.


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