The issues of being a time traveler

Traveling in time

Travelling to the future is quite easy,the only thing you need is a mega -super-hiper speed device.
If you want to leave Earth in a spacecraft travelling at high speed (near to the lightspeed),  when turning around and come back, only a few years might have passed on your spacecraft but many years could have gone by on Earth.

See? what you need is just a very fast rocket to go to the future but totally opposite is travelling to the past...why?
Getting back, it would mean travelling faster than light – and that’s not possible (or is it?)
Do you remember  the alien situation? It is possible  to travel forward or onward but meeting you at the exact time and place it is another issue.

Let's answer these questions:
* Do you think time traveling is possible?
* What do you think about "the alien situation"?
* In a few words explain the time paradox on the drawing

Finally, our next video will be as follows:
You should react to:
* How people looked in the 60´s (maybe your grandma and grandpa will help!)
* How people will look 50 years in the future (use your imagination, ha, ha, ha)
* No more than 2 minutes

And according with our current topic,

See you tomorrow or yesterday....


  1. 1. it depends on scientist
    2. alien situation works for a movie or a show
    3. first build a time machine (doesn't matter how)
    second tracel to the past and meet your young grandfather
    third kill him
    fourth desapear out of existance

    Maria Angel Ruiz 6B

    1. poor grandfather :´(

    2. Luna Sandoval
      Grado : 6b

      1 ) Time passes relative to gravity, a clock on the earth marks the seconds at a different rate in outer space. It has been proven that gravity certainly alters the flow of time the problem is that it would be inconvenient to have to park in outer space every time you want to travel in time

      2 ) When it comes to science, the scientific method requires hypotheses that are verifiable so that inferences can be tested. UFO sightings are not controllable or verifiable, which causes their study to be a real challenge. But the real problem, in my opinion, is that the UFO issue is taboo

      3.) He is an adult who decided to defeat the laws and make a time machine. He traveled to the past about 30 years before to find his grandfather. This grandfather was young then this traveler decided to kill him but he himself killed him himself, because if the grandfather there is no son that would be his father would not exist then the time machine would never have existed

    3. 1. I think that time travel is only possible in the imagination or in science fiction movies, I also think it is better to live in the present, detaching ourselves from the past and letting ourselves be surprised by the future.
      2. The alien situation is nothing more than a conspiracy based on hypotheses without a great scientific foundation that reconfirms if there really are other beings that occasionally visit us on earth and that would confirm that we are not alone on the planet
      3. Traveling to the past according to the drawing instead of being something fascinating would bring much sadness because I would not have allowed myself to meet my grandparents and much less all my loved ones of that generation.


    4. hola esto es youtube,como llegue aqui,soy un verdadero viajero en el tiempo

  2. 1: well later if.
    2: it would be a catastophe since if we found ourselves we could damage the flow of time.
    3: i build the machine of the time, then travel to the past, then I GET to my young grandfather, then kill him and finally i would never have existed, nor the time machine

  3. jesus serrato gonzalez de 6a

  4. jesus serrato gonzalez5 de agosto de 2019, 2:54 p.m.

    1: well later if.
    2: it would be a catastophe since if we found ourselves we could damage the flow of time.
    3: i build the machine of the time, then travel to the past, then I GET to my young grandfather, then kill him and finally i would never have existed, nor the time machine

    Grado 6 A

  5. laura sofia hernandez ruiz5 de agosto de 2019, 3:03 p.m.

    1. Yes, it may be possible but not at this time if not in the future
    2. That everything is a lie since the aliens are only a lie that was created for fiction movies
    3. 1: I create the time machine in some way
    2: I enter it and travel to the past
    3: he finds his grandfather who was young at that time
    4: kill grandpa
    5: he disappears because without his grandfather his father could not be created and without his father he would not be and without him the time machine disappears since he and the time machine disappear
    laura sofia hernandez ruiz grado: 6B

  6. 1. I think it is possible because the person specialized in computers is also called a scientist with their materials can make a time machine
    2. Super interesting, scary and dangerous because knowing about the aliens is very interesting to know that they make me eat etc ... dark because we don't know how I get there we don't know if it's bad and dangerous because we don't know what it can do to us
    3. A man, that he himself wanted to be a time machine to meet the grandfather he never knew in life, then he meets his grandfather but realizes that the grandfather does not like him then if he kills his grandfather , then his mother or father would not have been born because he killed his grandfather, then he neither and would not have and would not have built the time machine

    camila martinez 6b

    1. camila martinez usted si es bien bobita verdad ...

      no es de un alien en realidad es de lo que el profesor nos expilico sobre una tal paradoja hachita

  7. 1. RTA: Yes, I think it is possible, but we only need a time machine that has the technological advance and the speed needed to travel in time, which is a bit complicated.

    2. RTA: I think this theory of the alien is very true because, although we travel in time, whether in the past or in the future, we will never find ourselves or another person at the same time and place, so the past, the Present and future occur at the same time.

    3. RTA: For example, first, I make the time machine, second, I get on and travel in time, third, I get to the past and I meet my grandfather, fourth, for some reason I kill my grandfather and fifth, I practically killed my grandfather , I mean that I don't exist, which means that the time machine was never created.

    Martha Sofía Herrera Molano 6B


  8. 1- Yes, only we will never know since if someone traveled in time is already an alien or a human being, we would never run into him even if the past, present and future are happening at the same time, we would never be aware of it
    2- That is very cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only bad thing is that if they find one, Area 51 would catch it and do tests but could mistreat it.
    3- "In a nutshell" travel to the past and prevent your grandfather from procreating, doing that, your relatives will not exist since your grandfather's generation

  9. 1 rta: Yes, I think it is possible, but later because the technology is very bad now.

    2 rta: It depends because if we talk about now I don't believe, but if we say we travel either past or future. because we will never find ourselves, because the past, present or future occurs at the same time.
    3 rta: first I make the time machine, second I get on, third I get to the past and I meet my grandfather, fourth for an illogical reason my grandfather was bad so I killed him and fifth as he killed my grandfather, then my parents were not born and I neither then I disappear and never built the machine

    isabella diaz perdomo 6b

  10. 1-no, i do not think that time traveling is possible right now but maybe later on in the future when there is more technology maybe we could time travel.

    2- I think aliens could appear some where in the future since there is not enough evidence that they do exist but for now we just see them i sci-fi movies,comics and dreams.

    3- Firts you have to build a timechine and travel back in time when your grandfather was young killing would lead to disapering your existence because your grandfather did not create yourparent leading to not crating you.

    att: laura sofia vargas mendez 6b

  11. 1-if possible but humanity has not developed the ability to think with 100% of its brain.
    2-never try to travel to the present if not to the past and the future.
    3-a boy travels in time, goes and knows his grandfather and kills him and disappears because if I kill his grandfather he has no father and if he does not have a father he does not exist and as he does not exist I never create the machine of the time and nothing that happens.


  12. ana sofia mendez aguas5 de agosto de 2019, 7:35 p.m.

    1. 1. I would believe that time travel will be possible as the years go by and the technology goes on to create a time machine
    2. It would be very strange because in reality the aliens do not exist only in fiction movies, but if they really exist it would be very rare, strange and scary.
    3. That if we travel to the past or the future we can alter it and if my grandfather dies for example when I travel to the past the present would be altered and create another universe in which I would not exist

  13. yes , but it dependson that intelligence that we put.

    I think our mystery advances.

    if you travel before your nascas will not exist in the present either.


  14. time travel would be one of the greatest advantages that human beings have


  15. time travel would be one of the greatest advantages that human beings have


  16. 1 itime travel would be one of the greatest advantages that human beings have
    2 the true alien situation I didn't understand perfectly

    3 he is a person who traveled in time kills his grandfather so he does not exist then as he creates the time machine he did not exist

  17. if possible if there is a rocket that goes just as fast to light.

    -That according to studies that has already happened to people who take them and bring them back to earth.

    -build time machine,time machine no´t build,time traveler not born,kill him,meet grandfather before he procreated,travel back in time.

    -They looked like shy people as time has changed and today's generations are helped by technology.
    -They will look like people who want to have a physical beauty that does not notice their age, will ride in cars through the air, wear disposable clothing.


  18. 1 time travel would be one of the greatest advantages that humans have
    2 the true alien situation that I didn't understand perfectly

    3 He is a person who traveled in time kills his grandfather, so he does not exist when he creates the time machine. does not exist

  19. 1. If it could be possible thanks to the technology now possible and could alter the past
    2. It is possible as it also could not be is an unanswered question
    3. I make the time machine, I get on and travel in time, I get to the past and I meet my grandfather I kill my grandfather and fifth, I practically killed my grandfather, I mean I do not exist, which means that the time machine never

  20. 1) yes because If a ScienTist The time Machine He can travel At any time But If he travels in the past He can Alter The future

    2) I think that the aliens can be a lie to can be true if an invasion of aliens arrives because I don't know what

    3)if they would give me a time machine I would use it and travel to the past where my grandfather lived, then I kill my grandfather, that in the future I would not exist nor would I have been given the time machine


  21. 1. Do you think time traveling is possible?

    Rta: I think that time traveling is possible because the science could advance through the time. Also, the scientists could invent the time machine in the future.

    2. What do you think about the alien situation?

    Rta: I think that the alien situation is very interesting because if I see my self in the past, I will tell me some advices . And, if I see myself in the future, I will very surprised .

    3. In a few words explain the time paradox on the drawing.

    Rta: In this drawing the person wants to travel back in time. And, he wants meet his grandfather, when he was young. If he kills his grandfather he will not born and the time machine won't be created.


  22. daniela rodriguez rivera 6a6 de agosto de 2019, 7:26 p.m.

    1 if i believe it is possible, because one can dream of thae future.

    2 it is very interesting since at the same time you can know that they never left, to be where we are or in the present, but that they them selves would go to the sides and never to the center.

    3 the present crated a time machine and it turns out that they killed your best friend . then you arrive at the tim machine to go to the past and be able to save your friend you arrive the place of the echos before they happend and you escape whit your friend so they dont "t kill them you travel to the present past is corrupted

    daniela rodriguez rivera ,
    daniela rodriguez rivera .

    1. el diamante te persigue por cierto soy un youtuber ,no te dire mi nombre pero empieza por m y termina en k ,soy un prro,tal vez mikecrack

  23. 1 Si es posible gracias a la tecnología todo puede ser posible.

    2 es muy posible por que ya sabríamos dónde están.

    3 que mataron a tu amigo entonces te vas a el pasado a decirle a el amigo que no valla a hacer eso h no puede volver al futuro 🤩

  24. breiner stick perdomo 5B7 de agosto de 2019, 9:55 a.m.

    . 1.There are few people who traveled in the time machine and there are some people who have died in the time machine
    2. I believe that for something (aliens) that is not yet confirmed its existence put a lot of encouragement, taking theories and false evidence, which can confuse people.
    3.It means that he transports to the time machine that he meets his twin brother or grandfather and then the person dies and then another person dies because he gets into the machine explodes and dies

    1. hola eres un colbon,te necesito,se que no debes estar aqui potque esto es de bachillerato .looool

  25. 1 yes,but only if later the scientists create it
    2 i would say that that will only work for the movies but it would be great to find one but at the same time it would scare me
    3 firts,i would creat a machine,i know my young grandfather, i kill him, i will come back, but i would not have the machine
    Att: sara sofia conde arias 6a

  26. 1.if it could be done through a good time machine construction and very good scientists.
    2.alien situation?no proof of alien life
    3.i killed my grandfather in the past therefore i dont exist in the present

  27. maria jose lopez fierro7 de agosto de 2019, 1:24 p.m.

    rta 1 : yes but at this moment it is not possible because there is no instantaneous method

    Well, it will never be able to reach the present, because either it reaches the past or the present

    Well, I don't know why if I go to the past to kill my grandfather, then if I go back to the future, I don't exist if I really don't know

  28. 1. yes because science in the future can be advanced and there would be a time machine that would take us to the past or the future

    2. i believe that the existence of aliens is not yet confirmed since they take false evidence that can confuse people this drawing the person wants to travel back in time to meet his grandfather but it was not as expected. the he kills him but he wants to return to the present but cannot

  29. 1. if possible but the people of the future will find out
    2. interesting and scary because, it is important to know their culture their language and scary because we would not know if they are preligious
    3. first, a man who builds a time machine, then travels to the past with his grandfather then kills him but then as the grandfather died he could not have his father and he could not have existed and as he manufactured the time machine and he doesn't exist the machine would disappear

    valery segura gonzalez 6b

  30. 1-It is not possible because it would also arriver after 200 years
    2-I don't think it exists, I don't Believe That Much
    3-Practically If You Want TO Go To The Future, Let's Say When You Are In Eleven You Will Arrive After 200 Years And You Will Apparently Be At The University And If You Travel To The Past When Your ParenTs Were Young You Would Not Have Been Born Because You Will Arrive After 200 YearsCamila Barreto

  31. 1) Yes, I think that time travel is possible if one is persistent and achieve it unless it is just for fun.
    2) It is about an alien who is at the same time but not space, but if the alien wants to be taken to where we are, he would see the past, he will be transported to where we are but 200 years ago, that same curre if he moves away but would go to the future In the same place. We stand still for that nothing happens to us.
    3) A person builds a time machine, decides to go to the past to meet his grandfather when he was young, but he by the way kills him, which means that in the present he does not exist and the machine does not, since his grandfather did not know to his grandmother and they didn't have his mother or father what makes him unable to be born and unable to create the time machine.

    Salomé Contreras A.

  32. 1.RTA//we probably cannot travel back in time to see the Egyptians build the pyramids, since that would be equivalent to traveling to the past but many centuries ago, however, it is not necessarily impossible if we travel only five or ten years to the past.
    2.RTA//It would be good and bad at the same time, good for me since maybe an ��(alien)is chasing me to be his queen or something, but, bad for him, because the area 51 could be qualified to kidnap him and hurt him.
    3.RTA//someone XY for X reason travels to the past to meet and kill his grandfather, consuming to alter his existence, since his relatives would not exist since the generation of his grandfather


  33. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  34. 1
    I would not believe that one would create the time machine because it is very difficult to assemble it since one has the implements but does not know where each part goes those things

    I would not be afraid because I would not land at the exact moment where I am good if I would land but in a few years later

    'm traveling through the time machine I know my great-great grandfather killed him and he returned me to the present since I killed my great-great-grandfather not alternative to the present or the future


  35. 1. if I think it is possible to travel in time
    2. It would be very fun to see it but it would scare me a little :)
    3. It is an adult who decided to overcome the laws and make a time machine. He traveled to the past about 30 years before to find his grandfather. This grandfather was young, then this traveler decided to kill him, but he himself killed him, because if the grandfather were not a son who was his father would not exist, then the time machine would never have existed.


  36. 1. I think traveling in time if possible, because if we manage to create the time machine well, we could travel wherever we want, but we would know that if we want to meet someone from the past or the future, we would not be very likely to find ourselves in the place or the perfect moment where that person is.
    2. I think the "extraterrestrial theory" could be real if the present past and the future were happening at the same time, although I don't think it's true either because of the supposed "Roswell case", since if it were a UFO then, why Did you arrive at the perfect time? (We might know if the "extraterrestrial theory" is true if we ask an alien ... So folks, they have to attack area 51!)
    3. means that:
    1. we create a time machine
    2. We traveled before our grandfather procreated
    3. For some reason, we kill him
    4. If we kill our grandfather before our father or mother was born and before we were born, we practically did not exist because we were never born, and if we were never born, then we never created anything (not even the time machine)

  37. 1 time travel is not possible
    2 my opinion is that it would be very bad to talk to them
    3 firdt create a time machine second meet your grandfather in the past young third you kill him fourth you disapper from existence
    mariana aranda 6a

  38. 1 .yes i think it is possible to travel in time because nothing is impossible for science ,but at the moment we do not have every
    advanced technology

    2 what i think about the situation of the alien is that , at this very moment or place ,an alien could have been in front of you ,but you cant see it since he is in the future and you are in the present .

    3 a man travels in a time machine ,travels to the past and then finds his grandfather kills him , but what he does not know that altered his
    inventory ,there will be no time machine and there will be exist and he died


  39. 1. yes, it may possible but now at this time if not in the future.
    2. i thing if i find an alien in addition to super mega scaredit would also be dangerous since we do not save who wants the.
    + I create the time machine in some way.
    + I enter it and travel to the past.
    + He finds his grandfather who was.
    + Young at that time.
    + Kill grandfather.
    + He disappears because without his grandfather his father he would not be exists.


  40. Juliana sthefany arevalo solano. 6B7 de agosto de 2019, 8:12 p.m.

    1. Traveling to the future if possible but traveling to the past is not possible
    2. Very sad for not being able to live in the present to project to the future and correct the mistakes of the past
    3. He creates a time machine and travels to the past, meets his grandfather and kills him, by killing him his father or mother would not exist nor would the

  41. clara isabella cuellar 6b

    1. Well it depends, in fact it is a theory, but ... I don't know if it was 100% real
    2. I don't know hahahaha ... I would think it's only fiction, although it may bring me one of the area 51 hahahaha
    3. The traveler creates a machine, travels to the past, where he meets his young grandfather, then murders him and the traveler did not exist, because he changed the future. and if he murdered his grandfather, his parents did not exist, and they did not exist the traveler either.


  42. 1. yes, it may possible but not now, if not in the future.
    2. i thing if i find an alien in addition to super mega scared it would also be dangerous since we do not save who wants the.
    + I create the time machine in some way.
    + I enter it and travel to the past.
    + He finds his grandfather who was young at that time.
    + Kill grandfather.
    + He disappears because withhoud his granfather his father he would not be exists and so neither he nor the machine would exists.


  43. 1.. Travel in time is possible if you have a ship that travels at the speed of light, it is easier to travel to the future because returning to the past requires traveling faster than light and is unlikely.
    2. There is some evidence of the existence of aliens, I really believe that there is extraterrestrial life and more advanced than our humanity.
    3. The paradox of the image consists in traveling to the past, where a time machine is built, and by this he meets the grandfather and also kills him, the creator of the machine does not exist, therefore, the machine There is no Created and then create another and the cycle is repeated.

    Sarah Fernanda Rubiano Salazar

  44. 1. If it is posible to travel through time only we will never know,since If someone traveled in time is already an extraterrestrial or a human being, we would never meet him. Ever If the past, present and future are happening at the same time, we would never realiza that
    2. That would be cool . The only bad thing is that If they find one, Área 51 would catch it and test it, but it may be that the mathematical
    3. In a short summary: travel to the past and prevén your grandfather from procreating, doing that, your friends, relatives will not exist since your grandfather's generation
    Ana Sofía Mahecha 6a👾🌈

    1. soy lalallala anamaaameeeechhaaaaaaaaaaaaa

      el hiper bshrf4yjb

  45. santiago aldana diaz 6B
    1 I think that because there may be a devil space, a random dimension enters and that is what would help us to be able to teleport in the time.

    2 I think that there is a superior race among us who are aliens and I think that spaships have been seen and the United States government is associated with the Aryan 51 and there is where they have the remains of the spaceship that fell in Roswell, New Mexico.

    3enters the time machine then finds himself at that moment the time paradox would comment and then that of the past or future will die and that of the present will remain and then die and everything will return to its cycle

  46. lo siento por la tardanza pero no estaca en la casa y estuve ocupado con los talleres de recuperasion

  47. 1) I believe that if possible thanks to Einstein's theory of general relativity, he integrated time as the fourth dimension for the first time. From then on, any physical calculation had to take into account three temporal and one temporal coordinates. This defines a fabric in which space and time are closely related.

    2) I believe that the alien theory is true because if we travel to the past or the future to derener or cause something, we will not be able to be in the present, since what we will have stopped would mean that we do not go back in time !!!

    means that:
    1 we create a time machine
    2 we travel through time
    3 and that would mean meeting our young grandfather
    4 then we kill our young grandfather
    5 and we realize that as we kill our grandfather I cannot exist
    6 and if I don't exist then who created the machine


  48. 1. Time travel is possible since anyone can have the ability to create a spaceship to travel to the future and create a jigsaw evolution to the world, according to Einstein's theories traveling to the future is possible but traveling to the past is impossible but they remain theories It is possible that a discovery in the future will confirm or revoke them. In addition, considering that the station moves faster and is not affected by gravity, time moves faster. It is also the reason why clocks on Earth are not accurate, since the effect of time dilation means that it moves slower the closer you are to the earth's surface.

    2. The extraterrestrial situation can be real since at any moment our territory can invade us, there are people or in the news that say that if the aliens invade us we must resort to politics. Even some of the factions of the aliens are very similar to those of the human being.

    3. A person built a time machine, when he travels he meets his grandfather before procreating, that person killed his grandfather, that is, the person who traveled to the past was not born, since it is the fuel that killed the grandfather and if we return to the future, we may not be born, we could say that it was the grandfather who committed suicide


    GRADE: 6A

    1. isabella corredor se responde a si misma8 de agosto de 2019, 6:54 p.m.

      larilaralarilararuruuuuuuu otravez luruuuuuu

  49. Karol Tatiana Rojas Cachaya 6b8 de agosto de 2019, 5:27 p.m.

    1. I am sure, but in this moment there is not enough technology to do it and the scientists are working to get it.
    2. I believe a little, but I would like this to be demonstrated.
    3. A man builds a time machine in which he travels to the past, meets his grandfather and kills him.
    after this, man would not exist, therefore, he does not build the time machine, so he could never kill the grandfather because he could not travel to the past.

  50. if possible ,well,if area 51 would let us in,(those guys plot something)it said that there is high technology.

    it is very interesting to know that perhaps this is way the testimonies of travelers in time occur,that perhaps by trying to meet us they go to another person who belonged to our family a long time ago

    what he wants to tell us is that if you travel in time,never kill your grandfather,dont lie,that you should never alter time because it cant be fixed again.

    thanks for reading,weel,aand watching xd.

    I am DanenQa 6A

    1. i am danna perdomo but my friens said danenqa or creeper

    2. danenqa or danna perdomo or creeper8 de agosto de 2019, 7:14 p.m.

      sorry ,i like to be told like that

  51. otra vez vuelve el anonimo8 de agosto de 2019, 6:49 p.m.

    volvi jeje soy de la prese ntacion pero no me veras

  52. ru ru ru soy el bilinguuuu ru ru ru ruuuu soy el loru el mejurr del munduuu ruuuuuuuuu sigannn a los lorusss en youtuuuu

  53. 1. I say that it is possible but it should have a time machine and advanced technology
    2. one never knows because it may not exist but also at any time and place our space or territory can be invaded
    3. that a young man travels in time with his machine to the past and meets his grandfather from the past and gets rid of his grandfather so the young man did not exist either then the machine was never created

  54. time travel if possible since the technology advances around the years and as we go we would not be surprised to see or change our mistakes

    My thought about the alien situation is that in our galaxy there are beings with characteristics similar to us, although they try to hide their existence, it has become inevitable to know that there are other beings

    I think that if we travel in time there would be great consequences, at the moment when we changed the past, we changed the future and the present, which would bring great consequences in the future

    name : Sara Aljure 6A

  55. 1 If possible thanks to technology everything can be possible.

    2 is very possible because we already know where they are.

    3 who killed your friend then you go to the past to tell the friend that he is not going to do it or he cannot go back to the future 🤩

  56. 1 yes I think it is possible only the technological advance and the speed needed to do it

    2 I think it is very true
    because although we will travel in the either in the past or in the future we will never find ourselves or another person at the same time and place so that the past the present and the future occur at the same time

    3 I make the time machine traveled in time I kill my grandfather I practically do not exist if Ido not exist there is no machine


  57. Antonio el vendedor del demonio9 de agosto de 2019, 7:41 p.m.

    soy un simple aldeano que quiere intercambiar cosas raras por mas raras...........

  58. Hi, I'm in danger, I'm a time traveler, I don't have time to explain, someone similar to me is killing people in the future,

    pd: I got one of thanos gems
    I can not sign now, ahhh not here comes bye ....

  59. 1. of course, It can be possible, but not at the moment,and neither soon, maybe in a couple of years or maybe after hundreds of them, because it doesn't seems easy, at the time we don't have that kind of advanced technology.
    2. I think that if they are real, they don't have to hide it. But at the same time, it's probably that people could hurt them, and experiment with them, and, well, maybe it can be helpful for us to know more about them, but if they to that in a respecful way, so, it has advantages and disadvantages. Maybe in the future, they could be more public, and be presented to us.
    3. Someone create the time machine and travel to the past to kill his or her grandfather, so, if the grandfather dies, the father is not going to exist in the timeline, because of that, is obvious that the inventor won't exist in the future, that means that the time machine won't exist too, '' A little error can ruin the result''.


  60. 1. Do you think time traveling is possible?

    RTA// Time traveling isn't possible because if the science advance, the world will be destroyed faster. It is dangerous for us.

    2. What do you think about "the alien situation" ?

    RTA// I think that the alien situation is a theory. Taking into account the scientists, this theory is a hypothesis. We don't know the reality of this.

    3. In a few words explain the time paradox on the drawing

    RTA// I think that a man created a time machine. Then, he travelled through the time. He found his grandfather and killed him. If the man kill his grandfather, he will not exist and the time machine too.

  61. 1) Well, I do believe it only takes help from area 51 and superheroes to revive Albert Einstein to create a time machine

    2) Well, it is a very crazy idea since the subject of the aliens has always been a mystery since many wonder if they exist or not and that if they will harm us but what I understood in class is that if the alien away reaches the same point but 200,000 years before and if the direction changes diagonally 200,000 years later

    3) Everything is similar to the cycle of life you are born you reproduce and die is similar because,
    We begin to travel in time after we know our grandfather after we kill him, if we kill our grandfather we would not exist because if we kill him we do not have a breast and without a breast we do not exist and since we do not exist there is no time machine but someone builds it and history would be repeated a thousand and a thousand times if the time machine existed
    if you ask me I prefer the future than the past because if we go to the past it is to correct our mistakes and I believe that mistakes characterize us as human beings.


  62. 1. Time travel is not possible today, in the future it can be done with a lot of technology, we can travel in time and know the past.

    2. The alien travels in the universe but if the past, the present and the future are the same, I can be in the present but in the past of the alien or in the future of other alien at the same time

    3. The man travels to the past, but if he kills his grandfather he was not born, he did not create the machine because he was not born.

    But as we know about the trip if it did not exist.


  63. 1. I think everything is possible, maybe in a near future we can travel.

    2. I think the extraterrestrial situation is about how in the future you can travel backward or forward, but you will never be at the exact time and moment.

    3. it is easy, once we build the machine, travel back in time and kill my grandfather so I would not exist and my whole life is a lie.

    Sincerely, LUCIANA ROJAS PINO 6A

  64. 1. I think that the time traveling is not possible , unless the humanity invented the time machine ....
    2.That the alien can't travel to the present but can travel to the future or past .
    3.The time traveler build a time machine ,he travel on the time to the past , then he meets his grandfather when he are young ,he ends up killing his grandfather ,so the paradox is that the time traveler was not born and the time machine was not invented because all the events .
    Karen Dayana Horta Vargas 6B

  65. laura valentina fajardo sanmiguel11 de agosto de 2019, 10:46 a.m.

    -Of course it is possible but for now no way has been found.
    -Well, the truth is that I think it's just a theory and it's logical.
    -It is an adult who decided to travel one 30 years before to find his grandfather, when he found his grandfather, he decided to kill him, which made the grandfather, the father and he died, so that neither the father nor the one existed. : v

  66. 1.Yes although in the same place but
    at a different time.

    2.Although many people do not believe
    the exist, is very inresanting and at some
    point it is scary that they areamany us.

    3.Does that mean if we build a time machine
    we travel to the raisin and kill our garndfather
    we would never have existed and there fore
    the time machine would never have been built.


  67. 1. I think time travel may be posible, thanks to technology
    2. the alien can't travel to the present but to the past or the future
    3. A young man builds a time machine and travels to the past to see his grandfather but then kills and his whole life is over


  68. 1) Yes, I think it is possible, but it would take many years to travel through time.

    2)I think it would be a good plot for a movie.

    3)create a time machine, then travel to the past and kill your grandfather and then return to your time

    mariana González 6B

  69. 1. Do you think time travel is possible?In my thinking and with so many eventualities that happen today, and the themes of the futuristic movies that we see in these days ..... I think that if it is possible to travel in time either to the Past or the Future ...

    2 What do you think about "the alien situation"?It is a very particular
    subject that has been heard for many years ago, and the truth ......... I do believe in extraterrestrial life and I think they are much smarter than us and have a great technology that we we don't know

    3. Briefly explain the paradox of time in the drawing.Well, it is
    something meaningless, because if the young man builds a machine to travel to the past and meets his grandfather and kills him, then simply the life that the young man had disappears and with him the creation of the time machine, for that by killing his own grandfather, he himself would be destroying himself and the offspring of his grandfather and with it all the proposed projects ... if that would happen, there would NEVER BE THE YOUTH EXISTED....

    Maria de los Angeles Hernandez Lozano Grado 6B - La Presentacion

  70. 1.well later if.
    2: it would be a catastophe since if we found ourselves we could damage the flow of time.
    3: i build the machine of the time, then travel to the past, then I GET to my young grandfather, then kill him and finally i would never have existed, nor the time machine
    Isabella charry vallejo 6a


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